

愛你剛剛好 - 吳思賢 Ben Wu-《2018好歌推薦》

吳思賢 Ben Wu-愛你剛剛好






東森/台視 愛的3.14159 片頭曲
演唱:小樂 & 吳思賢
作詞:吳思賢、Mikko Tamminen、孔令奇、Kyosti Salokorpi、Pezen、吳易緯
作曲:吳思賢、Mikko Tamminen、孔令奇、Kyosti Salokorpi、Pezen、吳易緯

分享電影的 心得
可樂 要一起喝 牽 著手散熱
穿妳最 愛的顏色 冷笑 話 逗妳的
只是 剛剛 好
愛妳 只是 剛剛 好 妳瞭

所以放心將我 找個出口
其實還滿好 愛妳其實還滿好 妳瞭

All the stars light up when I see my boo
Got my tongue tied up and I loose my cool
When I think of you
When I think of you

All the stars light up when I see my boo
Got my tongue tied up and I loose my cool
When I think of you
When I think of you

把妳寫成歌 走心唱和 完美的氣合
一笑我就該傻了 壞情緒就飛了
愛妳只是剛剛好 妳瞭

所以放心降落 在我懷中
其實還滿好 愛妳其實還滿好 妳瞭

All the stars light up when I see my boo
Got my tongue tied up and I loose my cool
When I think of you
When I think of you

All the stars light up when I see my boo
Got my tongue tied up and I loose my cool
When I think of you
When I think of you

滿天星亮了 盡全力保護妳的 快樂
奇蹟發生了 妳可愛的每一刻 我負責

All the stars light up when I see my boo
Got my tongue tied up and I loose my cool
When I think of you
When I think of you

All the stars light up when I see my boo
Got my tongue tied up and I loose my cool
When I think of you
When I think of you



