
備愛 - 阿涵 《好歌推薦》 T^T"聽到阿笨都快落淚了!



又一次我偷偷 幻想以後

這次我還是在 可悲的存在感

傻傻陪伴 做你的備愛
你永遠不明白 我想要的未來

傻傻等待 做你的備愛
你永遠不明白 做備愛的悲哀

又一次你轉身 留我一個

這次我還是在 可悲的存在感

傻傻陪伴 做你的備愛
你永遠不明白 我想要的未來

傻傻等待 做你的備愛
你永遠不明白 最悲哀的備愛

你永遠不明白 我想要的未來

傻傻等待 做你的備愛
做悲哀的備愛 能被你寵愛




  這到底是什麼玩法? 雙胞胎男(孖仔)與雙胞胎女(孖女)結婚,竟然說結婚後要一起住,生孩子也要一起養。聽到他們這樣子說阿笨真的有點想歪了。那會不會是共享經濟的一環呢?那會不會反正大家都是雙胞胎生出來的樣子應該也差不多,然後會不會進錯房間之類的?




  看了那麼多年TVB,龔嘉欣在TVB的角色都是以「乖乖女 」或「清純少女」為主。

 黎耀祥、陳豪、李佳芯、江美儀、龔嘉欣等出席新劇《殺手》造型及拜神儀式 ,劇中黎耀祥、龔嘉欣及陳豪是殺手 ,一向外型斯文的龔嘉欣為配合造型不惜剪短髮剷青、漂染粉紅色,兼且化濃妝及加上假紋身,造型Punk味濃,相當衝擊眼球。龔嘉欣也說轉Look後不敢照鏡,接受不到自己剷青,剪髮時也眼濕濕,相信有一段時間要保持單身。今次她演性感殺手,全部造型都性感,而且與祥哥有親密戲,對方會觸摸她的身體,笑言要營造澎湃身材,裝胸升兩Cup讓祥哥容易搵到。






有時候說話大聲也怕對方聽不到(例如:影片中的婆婆),有時候用「粗口」作為助語詞只是為了加強語氣。 阿笨在生氣的時候也會「爆粗」,所以我也是覺得在適當的時候「講粗口」是可以接受的。而且車長是出於好意要幫婆婆才不經意的「講粗口」。


網民Andy Ng 在Facebook群組「馬路的事討論區」上載片段稱,一輛巴士駛至九龍城衙前圍道,一位乘客婆婆擬前往九龍城廣場,並按一名女乘客所講,在衙前圍道巴士站下車。車長擔心對方需要走一大段路才到目的地,於是上前勸已落車的婆婆再上車。




Clifford Lee:幫人都可以幫到爆晒粗口?

Boey Chop:上頭睇到司機當值時對客人夾雜不雅說話司機會被罰嗎?

Kin Tsui:教人係好,但教阿婆唔使講粗口囉

Uw Retep:天口熱,可以接受

Jai Sep Ham:個司機激動才會講助語詞








  港鐵高層集體下台,沙中綫醜聞卻陸續有來。《蘋果》取得土瓜灣站內部顧問報告,顯示地盤2016年挖掘月台時,多達23幢周邊樓宇的沉降幅度超出容許上限,其中一個位於油站旁的監測點,更錄得最高的62.9毫米沉降,超出上限逾三成。不過,港鐵的合資格人士(Competent Persons)卻指示承建商繼續工程,沒有按規定停工、沒作加固及緩解措施,亦沒有通報受影響居民。港鐵、屋宇署及路政署至截稿前未有回覆。
記者:梁御和 林偉聰  



需要人陪 - 王力宏 - [Ukulele譜]

王力宏 - 需要人陪


Let her go ukulele chords by Passenger

Let her go chords by Passenger
Capo: 7


||  G  |  F  G  |  Am  G  |  F  G  || x 2


                                    |  F                                 C    |
Well you only need the light when it's burning low
                     |  G                               Am   |
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
                       |  F                                      C    |  G  |
Only know you love her when you let her go
                                    |  F                                      C    |
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
                     |  G                                       Am   |
Only hate the road when you're missing home
                       |  F                                C    |   G  |
Only know you love her when you let her go       And you let her go


|  Am  F  |  G  Em  |  Am  F  |   G  |


|  Am                                         F    |
Staring at the bottom of your glass
           |  G                                        |  Em  |
Hoping one day you'll make a dream last
                           |  Am                      F          |  G  |
But dreams come slow and they go so fast
    |  Am                                            F    |
You see her when you close your eyes
          |  G                                      Em   |
Maybe one day you'll understand why
                       |  Am                F   |   G  |
Everything you touch surely dies


                                       |   F                                C    |
Cause you only need the light when it's burning low
                     |  G                               Am   |
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
                       |  F                                      C    |  G  |
Only know you love her when you let her go
                                    |  F                                      C    |
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
                     |  G                                       Am   |
Only hate the road when you're missing home
                       |  F                                C    |   G  |
Only know you love her when you let her go


|  Am                                     F    |
Staring at the ceiling in the dark
              |   G                               Em   |
Same old empty feeling in your heart
                  |  Am                     F         |  G  |
Love comes slow and it goes so fast
            |  Am                                 F      |
Well you see her when you fall asleep
                   |   G                          Em   |
But never to touch and never to keep
                                       |   F                                   G   |
'Cause you loved her too much and you dive too deep


                                       |   F                                C    |
Cause you only need the light when it's burning low
                     |  G                               Am   |
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
                       |  F                                      C    |  G  |
Only know you love her when you let her go
                                    |  F                                      C    |
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
                     |  G                                       Am   |
Only hate the road when you're missing home
                       |  F                                C    |   G  |
Only know you love her when you let her go


                       | Am   F          |  G  |
And you let her go   Oh oh oh no
                       | Am   F          |  G  |
And you let her go   Oh oh oh no
                       | Am   F          |  G  Em  |                      
And you let her go


                                    |  F                                 C    |
Well you only need the light when it's burning low
                     |  G                               Am   |
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
                       |  F                                      C    |  G  |
Only know you love her when you let her go
                                    |  F                                      C    |
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
                     |  G                                       Am   |
Only hate the road when you're missing home
                       |  F                                C    |   G  |
Only know you love her when you let her go

                                       |   F                                C    |
Cause you only need the light when it's burning low
                     |  G                               Am   |
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
                       |  F                                      C    |  G  |
Only know you love her when you let her go
                                    |  F                                      C    |
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
                     |  G                                       Am   |
Only hate the road when you're missing home
                       |  F                                C    |   G  |
Only know you love her when you let her go       And you let her go


Just the way you are chords by Bruno Mars

Just the way you are chords by Bruno Mars


|  C  |  Am  |  F  |  C  |


     |  C  |  
Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shinin’
|  Am  |
  Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying
|  F                                                      |  C    |
  She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday

       |  C  |  
Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her she won't believe me
| Am |
 And it's so, it's so sad to think that she don't see what I see
| F                                                                       |  C   |
 But every time she asks me "Do I look okay?”  I say


                          |  C                        |  Am  |
When I see your face  There's not a thing that I would change
                      |  F                                     |  C  |
'Cause you're amazing  Just the way you are
                      |    C                               |  Am  |
And when you smile  The whole world stops and stares for a while
                            |  F                                     |  C  |
'Cause girl you're amazing  Just the way you are   Yeah!


      |  C  |  
Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
     |  Am  |
Her laugh, her laugh she hates but I think it's so sexy
|  F                                                      |  C    |
 She's so beautiful, and I tell her everyday

    |  C  |  
Oh you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change
|  Am  |
   If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same
|  F                                                                   |  C    |
  So don't even bother asking if you look okay, you know I'll say


                          |  C                        |  Am  |
When I see your face  There's not a thing that I would change
                      |  F                                     |  C  |
'Cause you're amazing  Just the way you are
                      |    C                                |  Am  |
And when you smile  The whole world stops and stares for a while
                            |  F                                     |  C  |
'Cause girl you're amazing  Just the way you are 


                    |  C                      |  Am  |
The way you are  The way you are
                  |  F                                      |  C  |
Girl, you're amazing  Just the way you are


                          |  C                        |  Am  |
When I see your face  There's not a thing that I would change
                      |  F                                     |  C  |
'Cause you're amazing  Just the way you are
                      |    C                                |  Am  |
And when you smile  The whole world stops and stares for a while
                            |  F                                     |  C  |
'Cause girl you're amazing  Just the way you are   Yeah!


Love Yourself Ukulele Chords By Justin Bieber

Love Yourself Ukulele Chords By Justin Bieber 

Key: E
Capo: 4


               |    C                    G           |    Am      |
For all the times that you rain on my parade
               |    Dm                     C          |   G       |
And all the clubs you get in using my name
                     |    C                           G              |  Am          |
You think you broke my heart, oh girl for goodness sake
                     |    Dm                C            |   G       |
You think I'm crying, on my own, well I ain't
                            |     C                  G                        |    Am                                    |
And I didn't wanna write a song  cause I didn't want anyone thinking I still care
|  Dm          C                     |   G          |
I don't but, you still hit my phone up
                        |    C               G                   |   Am                           |
And baby I'll be moving on and I think you should be something
                   |   Dm            C                        |   G               | 
I don't wanna hold back maybe you should know that


                       |  Am                F                   |  C    |
My mama don't like you and she likes everyone
                 |  Am        F                   |      C     |
And I never like to admit that I was wrong
                          |  Am              F                  |   C                        G   |
And I've been so caught up in my job, didn't see what's going on
                |  Am      F                  |    G                            |
And now I know,        I’m better sleeping on my own


                   |   C          G       |   Am           F      |  
Cause if you like the way you look that much
             |  C                            G         |   C     |
Oh baby you should go and love yourself
                 |   C          G          |  Am       F                       |         
And if you think that I'm still holding on to something
|  C                           G       |    C      |
You should go and love yourself

                     |  C                          G         |   Am      |
But when you told me that you hated my friends
             |   Dm                       C             |    G     |
The only problem was with you and not them

                |   C                  G                   |  Am            |
And every time you told me my opinion was wrong
                |    Dm                       C             |    G       |
And tried to make me forget where I came from
                            |     C                  G                        |    Am                                    |
And I didn't wanna write a song  cause I didn't want anyone thinking I still care
|  Dm          C                     |   G          |
I don't but, you still hit my phone up
                        |    C               G                   |   Am                           |
And baby I'll be moving on and I think you should be something
                   |   Dm            C                        |   G               | 
I don't wanna hold back maybe you should know that


                       |  Am                F                   |  C    |
My mama don't like you and she likes everyone
                 |  Am        F                   |      C     |
And I never like to admit that I was wrong
                          |  Am              F                  |   C                        G   |
And I've been so caught up in my job, didn't see what's going on
                |  Am      F                  |    G                            |
And now I know,        I’m better sleeping on my own


                   |   C          G       |   Am           F      |  
Cause if you like the way you look that much
             |  C                            G         |   C     |
Oh baby you should go and love yourself
                 |   C          G          |  Am       F                       |         
And if you think that I'm still holding on to something
|  C                           G       |    C      |
You should go and love yourself


||  C  G  |  Am  F  |  C  G  |  C  || x 2

[Verse 3]

               |    C                    G              |    Am      |
For all the times that you made me feel small
      |    Dm                       C       |   G       |
Fell in love, now I fear nothing at all
        |    C                      G                |  Am          |
I never felt so low when I was vulnerable
        |    Dm                   C                    |   G       |
Was I a fool to let you break down my walls?


                   |   C          G       |   Am           F      |  
Cause if you like the way you look that much
             |  C                            G         |   C     |
Oh baby you should go and love yourself
                 |   C          G          |  Am       F                       |         
And if you think that I'm still holding on to something
|  C                           G       |    C      |
You should go and love yourself


                   |   C          G       |   Am           F      |  
Cause if you like the way you look that much
             |  C                            G         |   C     |
Oh baby you should go and love yourself
                 |   C          G          |  Am       F                       |         
And if you think that I'm still holding on to something
|  C                           G       |    C      |
You should go and love yourself

范冰冰被捕影片曝光!真相竟然是這樣-_-" 氣死阿笨了!

  唉呀我的天呀!在YouTube突然看到主持人說阿笨的女神冰冰被抓了,嚇到阿笨連飯都吃不下。這到底是怎麼一回事? 經過了解才知道原來影片中主持人所說的爆瘦照片的人根本就不是范冰冰本人,阿笨才鬆了一口氣。令阿笨最氣的是這兩個主持人,都不知道從哪裡來的消息,竟然說照片中的人是冰冰女神。阿笨認為媒體應該是一個讓大眾知道真相的媒介,而不是一個傳播不實消息的媒介。影片中主持人手中的照片根本就不是范冰冰本人,能不能不要發佈假新聞?氣死阿笨了!



